Genealogical Society of Finland
HisKi project

HisKi - Transcription Status

This page has information about the HisKi project's transcription status. Information is divided into books and each book is divided into two parts: older (up to about 1850-1860, usually saved from the so-called Black books) and newer (about 1860-1900). Transcription status is given as a number and color code described in the following table.

Please note, that parishes listed as transcribed may not yet be available in the search program.

  status not available
1 transcribed and verified completely
2 transcribed completely
3 partly transcribed, transcription continues
4 partly transcribed, transcription interrupted
5 being transcribed (no record returned yet)
6 transcription has not yet begun
7 no books (either the parish did not exist at the time or the books have been lost or have not been kept)
8 no need (the proper books cover the actual time period entirely)


Division by years
numbernamechrist.  married  buried  moved(in)  moved(out)
Akaa 32   22   22   22 22
34 Eräjärvi 26   562  262  76 76
105 Hämeenkyrö 26   16   162  56 56
60 Harju 26   26   26   26 26
114 Ikaalinen 127  127  232  66 66
159 Kangasala 36   26   262  66 66
171 Karkku 26   26   262  66 66
201 Kiikka 26   262  262  66 66
238 Kuhmalahti 26   222  262  66 66
249 Kuorevesi 56   26   56   26 26
253 Kuru 23   12   26   66 66
260 Kylmäkoski 7578 7278 7578 75 75
315 Längelmäki 26   26   26   66 66
291 Lempäälä 237  267  262  26 26
311 Luopioinen 26   26   26   26 26
327 Messukylä 5    5    5         
335 Mouhijärvi 25   26   265  26 26
369 Orivesi 367  267  262  56 56
434 Pälkäne 26   56   26   66 66
383 Parkano 16   16   16   56 56
404 Pirkkala 56   56   26   36 36
460 Ruovesi 257  532  267  66 66
533 Sääksmäki 26   26   26   26 26
468 Sahalahti 26   56   26   26 26
515 Suodenniemi 26   26   262  66 66
523 Suoniemi 26   26   26   26 26
543 Tampereen tuomiokirkkoseurakun* 54   26   26   26 26
546 Teisko 26   26   26   66 66
559 Tottijärvi 26   26   262  66 66
578 Tyrvää 26   26   265  66 66
583 Urjala 265  565  265  36 36
613 Vesilahti 56   32   26   66 66
629 Viljakkala 16   16   26   66 66
634 Virrat 26   26   562  66 66
653 Ylöjärvi 26   26   26   26 26